Past Events


2022 State Legislative Session Briefing

Photo of CT state building with blue overlay and the words "2022 Legislative Session Briefing" on it
Location Title: 
Virtual Program

Join CCP for a special look at what funders need to know about the most recent state legislative session. Nonprofit leaders from key areas will join us to share their takeaways and outline important policy priorities for the rest of the year. 

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Responding to Extremism -- New Thinking about Norms and Trust

Join Grantmakers Council of Rhode Island, Maine Philanthropy Center, and Philanthropy Massachusetts for a conversation with Dr. David Frey, Founding Director of the Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies at the United States Military Academy, West Point about understanding, preventing, and responding to extremism, and empowering individuals, communities and organizations as they chart new paths forward. 

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Organizational Capacity Builder Funders

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Join your peers in the organizational capacity building funders group for learning and sharing. This will be the second meeting of this funder group, and will focus on the areas of highest interest identified from member input after our first meeting.

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Fairfield County Funders Network - May Meeting

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The Fairfield County Funders Group provides a forum for grantmakers who are located in or funding in Fairfield County to come together, exchange information about news and topics of interest in the region. Members share knowledge and best practices, hear from guest presenters and learn about new and ongoing activities, initiatives, and areas of philanthropic engagement.


Community Match Fund Webinar with Sustainable CT

Location Title: 

Join us for the upcoming Community Match Fund webinar with a member spotlight on Sustainable CT. Built on trust-based philanthropy and a commitment to redistributing power, the Community Match Fund is redefining human capital through dozens of examples of cultural connections and the participatory model using a unique crowdsourcing platform.

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Funders and Advocacy: What You Need To Know - Alliance for Justice Training

Location Title: 

CCP invites you to our Alliance for Justice "Bolder Advocacy" Training workshop. This training will provide you with a clear understanding of the kinds of advocacy activities your foundation can safely engage in and best practices for grantmaking to give your grantees the most flexibility under the law for their advocacy efforts.

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