Facts, Figures, Trends

Wednesday, February 14, 2018
Northwest CT Community Foundation Releases Demographics Report

TORRINGTON, CT -- The Northwest Connecticut Community Foundation has published, Community Crossroads - Northwest Connecticut - Where we are now and were we are headed. Community Crossroads is an extensive research project focused on the demographic composition of Northwest Connecticut communities – now and in the future – and core community wellbeing indicators, such as housing, employment, education, healthcare and crime

Thursday, January 18, 2018
The Tax Cuts Are a Bad Deal for Charities

NEW YORK, NY -- Philanthropic organizations have been on edge since Republicans rammed through the monumental tax bill: Will Americans give as generously now that the incentives have completely shifted? Findings suggest that the the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 may deal a particularly devastating blow to charities that make up the private social safety net . . .

Thursday, January 11, 2018
American Savings Foundation Releases New Data Scans for New Britain and Waterbury

NEW BRITAIN and WATERBURY, CT -- The cities of New Britain and Waterbury have made significant progress on many key human services issues over the past decade, according to the “2018: A Demographic, Social & Environmental Scan,” reports released by the American Savings Foundation. The Foundation released a separate report for each city. 
