I wanted to share a piece written by a colleague Kathie Olsen, Program Officer at the Cow Creek Umpqua Indian Foundation in Oregon which I find simply powerful for all of us who work to improve our communities and are struggling with the issues of gun violence and mental health. — Maggie Osborn, President, CCP
About Philanthropy
CCP President Maggie Osborn recently wrote this blog for the Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP) as part of an occasional series on perspectives from regional grantmaking associations on philanthropy and foundation effectiveness.
NEW HAVEN, CT -- More than 200 philanthropists, grantmakers and community leaders will gather on April 30 at the Omni Hotel in New Haven for the Connecticut Council for Philanthropy’s Annual Meeting and Philanthropy Awards, Philanthropy’s Role in Empowering Change--in recognition of the 50th anniversaries of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965--and honoring leaders in the philanthropic field.
CCP President Maggie Gunther Osborn's remarks for Connecticut Nonprofit Association’s Nonprofit Advantage Magazine.