The Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP), a national, nonpartisan, nonprofit organization advancing policy solutions for low-income people, has developed a Justification Briefing and Fact Sheet with state-by-state estimates of public funds needed by the child care industry during the pandemic to sustain the viability of our providers.
Early Childhood
Connecticut Voices for Children released a second crisis response report, as part of a series of reports, that outlines what the state can do to support children and families during and after the C
Home Grown and the Reinvestment Fund have developed a toolkit to help sustain and strengthen the home-based caregivers and providers in communities across the country.
In 2019, several long term CT Early Childhood Funder Collaborative action items became reality. In addition, other efforts including cross agency collaboration and state/philanthropic coordination continued and were strengthened.
The CT Early Childhood Funder Collaborative (ECFC) is pleased to share their new report.
When CCP was founded in 1969, our job was to evaluate nonprofits on behalf of our members to inform their grantmaking. Today, CCP promotes and supports effective philanthropy for the public good by educating and convening funders across Connecticut. For our 50th anniversary, we’re sharing the story of the Early Childhood Funder Collaborative to illustrate how our mission is made real.