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Momentum Fund Announces $8.5 Million in Grants

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WASHINGTON, DC -- The Momentum Fund announced today that it has awarded $8.5 million in grants to 129 501(c)(3) organizations around the country managing COVID-19 relief funds that provide grants and other forms of direct support to community-run organizations working with communities of color, historically marginalized populations, and other groups being disproportionately impacted by the pandemic that continues to ravage these communities. 

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Aurora Foundation’s Women’s Giving Circle Rapid Response Fund Donates $20,000 to Community Organizations Supporting Women and Girls Impacted by COVID-19

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WEST HARTFORD, CT -- Continuing its 20-year tradition of responding to the needs of women and girls in greater Hartford, the Aurora Women and Girls Foundation recently raised $20,000 to support community organizations addressing issues of food sec

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Hartford Foundation Announces Redesigned Grantmaking Team

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HARTFORD, CT -- The Hartford Foundation for Public Giving's new Community Impact team will be led by vice president Elysa Gordon, who is now responsible for the overall executive direction of Community Impact and the newly created Impact Leadership Team comprised of her and four Directors: Megan Burke, Director of Community Impact Grantmaking; Judy McBride, Director of Strategic Partnership Investments; Kate Szczerbacki, Director of Strategic Learning and Evaluation; and Melanie Tavares, Director of Capacity Building and Nonprofit Support.

Milton Fisher Fund Awards More Than $135,000 in College Scholarships

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NEW HAVEN, CT -- The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven is pleased to announce the winners of the 2020 Milton Fisher Scholarship for Innovation and Creativity. Eleven high school students who came up with distinctive solutions to problems faced by their schools, communities, families and the world received a total of $136,000 in college scholarships (payable over four years of college.) In addition, seven high school students receiving honorable mentions were awarded a total of $3,500 in scholarships.

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Northwest Corner Gives Raises $635,280 for Local Nonprofits

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TORRINGTON, CT -- From June 15-July 31, more than 50 Northwest Connecticut nonprofits posted giving campaigns to, a crowdfunding program of the Northwest Connecticut Community Foundation, to raise funds to meet the challenges of operating amid social distancing and remote work requirements created by COVID-19.

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Connecticut nonprofits cutting staff, services in pandemic as revenue from services plunges despite uptick in contributions

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HARTFORD, CT -- Despite an uptick in individual contributions aided by the surging stock market, Connecticut nonprofit leaders say huge losses in fee-for-service revenue during the coronavirus pandemic have led to reductions in staffing, loss of access for needy residents and — in some cases — programs shutting down entirely.  Melanie Tavares, director of the Nonprofit Support Program at the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving, comments on changes that philanthropy is making in their funding.

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Women's Business Council Aims to Raise $1M+ for Expanded Grant Program

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STAMFORD, CT -- The Women’s Business Development Council was planning before the coronavirus crisis to expand a microgrant program to support women-owned small businesses throughout Connecticut. The Women's Business Council wants to provide at least 100 grants of up to $10,000. Webster Bank is contributing $100,000 to the initiative.

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