CCP Members

Giving in Connecticut 2014

"Giving in Connecticut: Philanthropy in the Nutmeg State," is the Connecticut Council for Philanthropy's (CCP) annual report on charitable giving. It includes key findings on individual and foundation giving (FYE 2012) with thoughtful interpretation of the data. You'll also find a Quick Facts sheet and the Top 100 Connecticut Grantmakers by Assets and Grants Paid.

Program Booklet: Philanthropy's Role in Empowering Change
Review the Connecticut Council for Philanthropy's Annual Meeting and Philanthropy Awards program booklet. Information includes the sponsor listing; program agenda; leadership giving; members and new members; board, staff and committee and network leadership; Keynote speaker and Philanthropy Award bios; Concurrent session outlines; Get on the Map and more!
Change in the Land of Steady Habits
View the slide deck from CCP's April 30 Annual Meeting and Philanthropy Awards: Session 2, "Educational Equity in Connecticut Schools," presented by Susan Eaton, Research Director at the Charles Hamilton Houston Institute for Race and Justice at Harvard Law School.
Connecticut School Integration: Moving Forward as the Northeast Retreats
Looking at the grim picture of central city Hartford and Bridgeport when desegregation efforts began and considering the odds against the creation of new models in a time when civil rights were shrinking, what has been accomplished in Connecticut is a victory over great odds. It is also an example of the way there can be change that expands the possibilities for all and enriches the communities.
