CCP Members

Broad National Tax Extenders Coalition letter - 9-10-15
Connecticut Council for Philanthropy (CCP), joined a national coalition of more than 2,000 businesses, associations, nonprofits and other stakeholders in sending a letter to Congress urging them to immediately restore the expired tax extenders provisions, including the IRA charitable rollover and enhanced deductions for donations of food inventory and conservation easements.
Connecticut Students’ Test Results
Compare Connecticut students' test results with those from other states. So far, 10 of the 17 states whose students took the Smarter Balanced Assessments have released their results. Although most states opted not to create a central place to compare scores, TrendCT decided make one to see how Connecticut compares.
Employee Handbook Essential Information
A list of topics to include in an organization's employee handbook, presented by Lori Angelo, New England Payroll Services, LLC at the Foundations Administrators Network meeting on September 17, 2015.
Coordinating Collaboration to End Homelessness
The Partnership for Strong Communities (PSC) and a group of advocacy organizations, government agencies, and community providers are leading a campaign to end homelessness in the state. Guided by the vision that “No one should experience homelessness,” the Reaching Home Campaign and Opening Doors—Connecticut (the “Campaign”) emphasizes housing as an essential platform for human and community development. To support the Campaign’s work as it moves past planning and towards implementation and sustainability, the Melville Charitable Trust approached The Building Movement Project (BMP) to conduct a mid-point learning assessment.
