"Advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Message Manual for the Field" is a manual designed to help you communicate with a variety of audiences about the importance of advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion with a motivating, and compelling message.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
As U.S. immigration reform moves forward in 2013, a variety of facts and figures continue to be presented around immigrants and their current and potential contributions to the U.S. economy. AS/COA's immigration fact sheets provide key data points on why immigrants are vital to the U.S. economy and why comprehensive immigration reform is necessary for future U.S. competitiveness.
This booklet provides guidance and ideas on how to structure the conversation and includes guiding questions and key messages that you can use when you are starting to engage someone in advancing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion work in philanthropy.
A five-year, effort to increase philanthropy’s diversity, equity and inclusiveness.
CHICAGO, IL -- Racial tensions and calls for police reform are not new topics in this community, by any means.