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FCCP Summer Equity and Power Sharing Series
ECFC and Alliance for Early Success: Philanthropic Engagement Project
Tax Law Could Slash Giving by $19 Billion a Year, Report Says
Over 170 Students to Share $216,000 in Scholarships Thanks to Funds Established by Local Donors
Aurora's Luminary Luncheon
Hartford Foundation Awards More Than $800,000 to Greater Hartford Summer Programs
Women & Girls Fund Supports Career Training
United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut Awards $25K to Hartford Working Cities
Connecticut Community Foundation’s 2018 Annual Report Celebrates the Transformative Power of Communities That Cared
Community Foundation Awards Nearly $2 Million in Grantmaking Focused on Building Thriving Communities in Eastern CT
Hartford Area Inner City Capital Connections Launches Capacity-building Training Initiative for Over 60 Businesses
Nonprofits Receive $107,700 in Spring Grants
Connecticut Launches 100-Day Challenges to End Youth Homelessness
HARTFORD, CT -- A broad-based coalition of advocates, providers, state agencies, and young adults is launching eight 100-Day Challenges to house and improve services to youth and young adults experiencing homelessness throughout Connecticut. Funded by a wide array of local philanthropies, this is a true statewide effort, the first of its kind in the nation.
Hartford Foundation Names Melanie Tavares as New Director of the Nonprofit Support Program
Response to Financial Challenges: Funder - Nonprofit Survey Report
The Connecticut Council for Philanthropy and the CT Community Nonprofit Alliance surveyed their members in an effort to learn how nonprofits and funders were experiencing and responding to financial challenges.
Hartford Foundation Names Brad Drazen as Vice President, Communications and Marketing
Three Bills to Make Child Care More Affordable, Accessible
HARTFORD, CT -- Senate bills 931, 933, and 934 seek to ensure that affordability and accessibility do not stand in the way of families looking to provide this basic resource for their children.