
Proud Member Logo
Members of the Connecticut Council for Philanthropy may download the "Proud Member Logo" for displaying on their website or as part of an email signature. Members must be logged in to access the logo.
Do Pro Bono
Taproot enables top professionals and companies to put their talent to work creating meaningful change in the community. They partner with companies to engage their employees and customers in high impact pro bono service.
Get on the Map! Template
Get on the Map is a campaign to improve the quality, timeliness, and availability of grantmaking activity in our region. When you share your data, you’ll be making a powerful contribution to Foundation Maps, a highly interactive, searchable mapping platform from Foundation Center that will be accessible to all Connecticut Council for Philanthropy members. The campaign to "Get on the Map" is a partnership between the Connecticut Council for Philanthropy, the Foundation Center and the Forum of Regional Associations of Grantmakers.
