Survey Summary

Trust in Civil Society

Independent Sector has begun an annual series of surveys to explore the nuances of trust in American nonprofit and philanthropic organizations.

2016 Connecticut Civic Health Index
HARTFORD, CT -- The 2016 Connecticut Health Index measures citizen engagement in the constitution state in voting, volunteerism and community involvement. A coalition of groups — including the Secretary of the State, Everyday Democracy, the National Conference on Citizenship and DataHaven — launched the 2016 Civic Health Index Report today. The survey evaluates the depth of citizen engagement through a variety of indicators such as voting, volunteering and other forms of community involvement.
2015 Member Survey Highlights
Thank you to CCP members who took the time to take the 2015 Member Survey. Here are some quotes and stats from the survey.
Baseline Survey Report for EngAGEment Initiative
To establish a baseline of information, this past June 2011, the Council surveyed its members and non-members to determine their current “aging” awareness, activities and future programming ideas. This baseline survey was conducted as part of the Council's work on the EngAGEment Initiative, a national program led by Grantmakers in Aging (GIA) on philanthropy and aging issues. The overall goal of this two-year initiative is to build Connecticut Funders’ understanding, interest and momentum around aging issues.
