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Race Can Be An Uncomfortable Topic, So Let’s Talk About It.

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HARTFORD, CT -- Patricia Baker, president and CEO of the Connecticut Health Foundation, blogs ... "Connecticut is one of the healthiest states in the country. We can be proud of this, but must also be conscious that there is more to the story: People of color do not share the same positive health indicators white Connecticut residents enjoy."

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What’s at stake: New data on the impact of the Affordable Care Act in Connecticut

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HARTFORD, CT -- As lawmakers debate major changes to the federal health law, it is important to understand what’s at stake in Connecticut. The Connecticut Health Foundation commissioned the Urban Institute to model the impact of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) on Connecticut, with a focus on state residents who might lack health care coverage without it.

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Hospital to Target Disparities Through Pilot Project Embedding Early Intervention Staff in Pediatric Offices

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HARTFORD, CT – With a grant from the Connecticut Health Foundation, Connecticut Children’s Medical Center will pilot a program to embed Birth to Three early intervention staff in pediatricians’ offices, an arrangement aimed at improving access to services for children of color.

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Communities Advocating for Health Reform in Connecticut

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HARTFORD, CT -- Connecticut Health Foundation is pleased to announce the availability of a new round of funding to support community based organizations to engage their constituencies/membership in organizing and grassroots advocacy efforts that defend and advance health reform in CT and respond to the attempts to repeal and replace the ACA. The application deadline is Friday, April 7, 2017.

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An Introduction to Funding Media 

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Join CCP members and the Media Impact Funders—a national network of funders who support media and journalism in the public interest—for an engaging introduction to the field of media grantmaking.

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Leadership New England

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Leadership New England, a new study of nonprofit executives and board members in the region, reports that two-thirds (64%) of executives plan to leave their jobs within the next five years, 60% of organizations do not have succession plans, and just one-third of leaders believe they have staff in their organization who can step up into leadership positions.

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Connecticut Health Care Survey

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Six health foundations sponsored the Connecticut Health Care Survey (CTHCS), a study of Connecticut residents’ own views on their health and health care, shows that many in Connecticut have access to and receive consistent, high quality health care. However, much work remains to be done particularly as it relates to chronic disease prevalence among adults and children.
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