United Way Mobilized 200 Volunteers in Annual Stamford Day of Action

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Corporate volunteers worked at various community projects throughout city

STAMFORD, CT -- United Way of Western Connecticut (UWWC) mobilized more than 200 corporate volunteers from 15 companies on Thursday, October 5, 2017 in projects across the Stamford community for its annual Day of Action.

“Day of Action in Stamford is a perfect example of United Way’s unique position in the community to bring together agencies, corporations and volunteers to work together toward a common goal,” said Kimberly Morgan, CEO of UWWC. “Much of our work to help the most vulnerable in our community could not be done without the valuable contribution of volunteers and commitment from socially responsible corporations, on Day of Action and throughout the year.”

Day of Action kicked off at Chelsea Piers, where volunteers participated in a variety of large-scale packing projects to benefit hard-working, struggling households that United Way calls ALICE® (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed). Some of the projects included packing literacy kits for third grade students from Julia A. Stark and Toquam Magnet elementary schools, along with assembling personal care items to benefit the clients of UWWC’s Mobile Food Pantry in Stamford. Volunteers from Genworth also hosted a resume writing and interview skills workshop in the morning for clients of Women’s Mentoring Network.

In the afternoon, volunteers completed projects such as landscaping, painting and planting gardens at nonprofits throughout the city to benefit those who fall at or below the ALICE threshold, including:

  • Boys and Girls Club of Stamford
  • The Girl Scouts Camp Rocky Craig
  • The Food Bank of Lower Fairfield County
  • Mill River Park on Washington Boulevard
  • Person-to-Person in Darien

Photo 1: Volunteers from Preferred Brands International gather with a United Way poster and “Wannaread Academy” literacy kit during United Way of Western Connecticut’s 2017 Day of Action in Stamford on October 5. Day of Action volunteers were mobilized to complete a variety of large-scale projects to benefit hard-working, struggling Stamford households that United Way calls ALICE® (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed).

Photo 2: As part of the 2017 Day of Action in Stamford on October 5, volunteers from Nestle Waters organize household supplies and personal hygiene products to be packed for distribution at United Way of Western Connecticut’s monthly Mobile Food Pantry. Day of Action volunteers were mobilized to complete a variety of large-scale projects to benefit hard-working, struggling Stamford households that United Way calls ALICE® (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed).



Bridget Fox
Chief Impact Officer
United Way of Westewrn Connecticut

Website: www.uwwesternct.org

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