Planning for a Safe Return to the Office Session 2: June 8

Two-Part Series: Planning for a Safe Return to the Office
with Jennifer Marecki-Lehman, Director HR Advisory, CLA (CliftonLarsonAllen)


Join us as we explore the many questions funders will have to navigate as many organizations consider the return to in-person office operations. In a rapidly evolving environment, where recommendations and legal requirements shift as understanding of the virus advances, it is important to prepare carefully for the return to in-person work. In this two-part conversation, human resources experts will provide guidance on what organizations need to know to make good decisions and ensure a smooth transition.


Session 1: April 22, 10-11 am
In this session, we’ll outline what organizations should be thinking about now to ensure a timely and smooth transition back to the office. We’ll share the latest updates and identify the questions you will need to understand and answer, providing guidance on how to approach decision making around:


  • When will be the right time to return to the office?
  • What health and safety measures will need to be in place?
  • What will be required of employers? And what will, and won’t, be able to be required of staff? 
  • How can organizations approach decision-making that balances productivity needs and employee well-being?


Session 2: June 8, 10-11 am
In our second session, we’ll present further information based on deeper understanding of the impact of vaccines and variants. HR experts will share up-to-date recommendations based on the latest science, safety regulations, and legal requirements so employers and staff have the information they need to return to the office setting with confidence.

Date & Time: 
Tuesday, June 8, 2021 -
10:00am to 11:00am EDT