Talk to Candidates & Elected Officials Toolkit

A campaign to educate candidates and elected officials about philanthropy

Election season provides us with many opportunities to educate candidates and elected officials in Connecticut government. Because the Connecticut Council for Philanthropy is a membership association, we need all members to be engaged in sharing with candidates the good work that philanthropy is doing to make Connecticut a better place to live and work. Join the Council Board and Public Policy Committee in educating candidates and elected officials with one loud and unified voice.

In 2 minutes you can cover a lot of information with a candidate or elected official.

Access 3 easy-to-use tools for shaping your 2-minute Talks with Candidates & Elected Officials:

  • Suggested Talking Points to help you prepare your message about the importance of philanthropy in Connecticut.
  • Template for Quick Facts and Story of Impact to personalize your talk with specifics about the impact of your foundation's giving.
  • An Information Page on Connecticut foundations to leave with a candidate or elected official after your talk―feel free to provide copies to colleagues (trustees and staff) who may be at events with candidates or elected officials.


Share Your Feedback & Stories

Please share your experiences with the Council. Please email your “Talk to Candidates & Elected Officials” stories to Together, the Council and its 100+ member funders are working to make Connecticut stronger.

Thanks for doing your part!