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SAN FRANCISCO, CA -- The number of new accounts at Schwab Charitable rose 91 percent from July to December last year, over the same period in 2016, the philanthropic-services provider announced Tuesday.  The bulk of the grant making occurred from July to December, when Schwab donors gave $900 million through 230,000 grants.

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DANBURY, CT -- United Way of Western Connecticut (UWWC) is pleased to announce that the application period for its 2018-2019 grant funding cycle will begin on Monday, February 5, 2018.

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HARTFORD, CT -- Leadership Greater Hartford (LGH) received a $2,400 sponsorship award from Aetna in support of four youth to attend their Summer Nexus youth leadership development program.

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HARTFORD, CT -- In an effort to enable residents and businesses’ access to the internet, the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving is awarding a three-year, $297,925 Innovation Grant to the Hartford Public Library. This new project will support two innovative strategies to narrow the digital divide in Hartford, with a focus on Hartford’s North end.

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BRIDGEPORT, CT -– People’s United Community Foundation, the philanthropic arms of People’s United Bank, today announced that it awarded $1,114,226 to 155 Connecticut non-profit organizations in 2017.

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BRIDGEPORT, CT -- On Tuesday, January 23, 2018, at 10:00am at LifeBridge Community Services, members of the Greater Bridgeport Family Economic Security Coalition, coordinated by the Connecticut Association for Human Services (CAHS), will kick-off the start of the VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) season. VITA is a program sponsored by the IRS, where trained volunteers prepare and file state and federal returns for low-moderate income families for free. Families who had an income of $54,000 or less in 2017 may qualify for free tax preparation services. 

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DANBURY, CT -- United Way of Western Connecticut (UWWC) has had six new members join its Board of Directors over the past year: Mark Ouellette, Senior Vice President, Global Operations, Pitney Bowes; Sonii Kollie, Environmental Coordinator, Kimberly Clark Corporation; Aaron Meyer, Managing Director, Man Group-GLG Silvermine; Natasha Williams, Managing Partner, N-Touch Strategies; Eric Duenwald, Treasurer, Synchrony Financial; and Tamara Brown, Director of Sustainable Development and Community Development, Praxair, Inc.

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HARTFORD, CT -- The Hartford Foundation for Public Giving announced a three-year, $450,000 grant to Community Partners in Action (CPA), working with the City of Hartford and other partners, to establish a one-stop Reentry Welcome Center for returning citizens in the City of Hartford. 

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NEW HAVEN, CT -- New Haven Farms will expand its incubator farm program this growing season to include locations in the Fair Haven and Hill neighborhoods, bringing an additional 25 families to the project. The program is partially funded by the Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Foundation. “The incubator gardener program grew out of requests from our participants in the farm-based wellness program that they wanted to be more knowledgeable and to have the opportunity to grow their own food after having ...

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HARTFORD, CT -- Blog post by by Garth Graham, M.D., MPH, is a leading authority on social determinants of health. President of the Aetna Foundation since 2013 and Vice President of Community Health for Aetna, Inc., Dr. Graham is a former deputy assistant secretary at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services under the Obama and Bush administrations where he also ran the Office of Minority Health.

For the first time in the history of the United States, today’s youth are expected to have a shorter life-span than their parents. With medical, scientific and technological advances, this notion seems dumbfounding. But when we step away from the science and technology and take a deeper look at our communities, you can find the root causes. Access to healthy food, public safety and environmental factors are all driving forces behind this decline in longevity. These social determinants of health are becoming increasingly influential to our health . . .

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