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WINDSOR, CT -- Thanks in part to a Family and Community Partnership Plan funded by the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving, the Windsor Public Schools district continues to see an increase in student achievement. This initiative, funded with $334,690 from the Hartford Foundation this year, is designed to help the district to partner with families and community stakeholders in support of raising student success.

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HARTFORD, CT -- Martha McCoy, Executive Director of Everyday Democracy, reviews the recent inaugural Connecticut Civic Ambassador's Summit held at the Hartford Public Library, and the swearing in of 40 new Civic Ambassadors.

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ROCKY HILL, CT -- The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) puts money back into the pockets of low and moderate income workers and is considered our nation's most effective pro-work, anti-poverty tool. In 2017, 216,000 Connecticut workers secured an average of $2,211 in EITC; however, it is estimated that 1 in 5 qualifying households do not claim the EITC on their tax return. In recognition of EITC Awareness Day, Connecticut 2-1-1 and Connecticut United Ways want to encourage Connecticut's workforce to utilize free tax preparation services to claim the tax credits they are eligible for.

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Hartford, CT — CHEFA (Connecticut Health and Educational Facilities Authority) today announced a $250,000 one-year grant awarded to United Way of Connecticut to increase resources and training to fight opioid abuse and overdose in Connecticut. The grant, called “Funding the 2-1-1 Opioid Enhanced Information and Referral Initiative,” provides funding for improved access to information and resources for opioid treatment and addiction services available in Connecticut.

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WELLESLEY, MA -- Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Foundation today announced that it awarded more than $2.3 million in grants to more than 900 nonprofit organizations in over 300 communities in  Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire in 2017. Since its inception in 1980, the Foundation has granted more than $145 million in funds throughout the four states.

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HAMDEN, CT -- Solidago Foundation chief executive officer, Elizabeth Barajas-Román, will be speaking at the “Strengthening Democracy & Communities Through Civic Engagement” program hosted by the Connecticut Council for Philanthropy. In addition to Barajas-Román, participants will include Connecticut Secretary of the State Denise Merrill, DataHaven executive director Mark Abraham, Everyday Democracy director of strategic alliances and equity officer Valeriano Ramos, Everyday Democracy executive director Martha McCoy; and Ian Simmons, president at Foundation for Civic Leadership.

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DERBY, CT -- The Valley Community Foundation (VCF) welcomes James Hodge, Angela Powers, and Jack Walsh to the VCF Board of Directors and bids farewell to Will Ginsberg, Bill Nimons, and Diane Stroman as they conclude their terms.

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WATERBURY, CT -- Grants totaling $590,000 were awarded to dozens of area nonprofit organizations by Connecticut Community Foundation in December.

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HARTFORD, CT -- United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut is pleased to announce that it has received $60,000 in grants to support Neighbors in Need, a local effort that will help meet the immediate and longer term needs of children and families displaced by the devastation of recent hurricanes and others needing basic human services. United Way has itself contributed $100,000 to Neighbors in Need.

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BRIDGEPORT, CT -- Recovering addicts, treatment providers, politicians and others joined together Tuesday to launch a “call to action” about the public health scourge of opioid addiction. The initiative “BPTIamU,” announced in a press conference at Mayor Joe Ganim’s conference room, will include a video series and social media campaign highlighting real stories of people in recovery, resources and access to treatment, and symptoms of overdose. Connecticut Health and Educational Facilities Authority announced Tuesday a one-year $250,000 grant to United Way of Connecticut. A news release said the grant will “provide funding for improved access to information and resources for opioid treatment and addiction services available in Connecticut ...

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