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FARMINGTON, CT -- One of the many questions surrounding the pending merger between UTC and Massachusetts-headquartered Raytheon, announced almost simultaneously with this year’s Special Olympics, is what happens next year?  Will the merged company, Raytheon Technologies, continue to support nonprofit organizations in Connecticut to the extent that UTC has, in many instances, for decades.  That remains a question not only at Special Olympics, but at nonprofit organizations large and small throughout the state.

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MIDDLETOWN, CT -- The Rockfall Foundation is currently seeking nominations for the 2019 Environmental Champion Awards. Nominations are being accepted from now until July 22, 2019.

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BRISTOL - The City of Bristol will be participating the 100 Day Challenge, sponsored by the Central Coordinated Access Network. The 100 Day Challenge is backed by the Partnership for Strong Communities, a statewide nonprofit policy and advocacy organization dedicated to ending homelessness, expanding affordable housing, and building strong communities in Connecticut. Led by the Melville Charitable Trust, philanthropic support for the 100 Day Challenges is coming from funders across Connecticut, including: American Savings Foundation, Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation, Community Foundation of Eastern Connecticut, The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven, Connecticut Community Foundation, Dalio Philanthropies, Fairfield County's Community Foundation, Farmington Bank Community Foundation, Hartford Foundation for Public Giving, Ion Bank Foundation, Liberty Bank Foundation, Main Street Community Foundation, Manchester Interfaith Social Action Committee, Northwest Connecticut Community Foundation, United Way of Greater New Haven, United Way Greater Waterbury, United Way Northwest Connecticut, United Way of West Central Connecticut, and Webster Bank.

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TORRINGTON, CT -- The Draper Foundation Fund, a fund of the Northwest Connecticut Community Foundation, recently awarded area nonprofits $714,145. The Fund awarded $546,750 to 19 designated nonprofits and $167,395 in donor-advised grants to nonprofits that provide essential programs and services for residents of Northwest Connecticut.

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HARTFORD, CT -- The newest recipients of a $1.6 million annual college scholarship program were honored by the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving this week at the Greater Hartford Arts Academy’s Theater for the Performing Arts. These students received new scholarships to attend two-year and four-year schools across the nation.

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DERBY, CT - Valley Community Foundation has awarded a total of $17,275 in its Community Grants Program to eight community groups serving the Valley. These grants will support youth, seniors, historical endeavors, and wellness initiatives in the region. 

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HARTFORD, CT -- Comcast NBCUniversal today announced that it has awarded $50,000 in scholarships for the 2019-2020 school year to 17 Connecticut students as part of its annual Leaders and Achievers® Scholarship Program.

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HARTFORD, CT -- With the nonprofit sector facing numerous challenges in Connecticut - as a result of state budget cuts and the new federal tax law - the Connecticut Council for Philanthropy and the CT Community Nonprofit Alliance surveyed their members in an effort to learn how nonprofits and funders were experiencing and responding to these challenges. 

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WASHINGTON, DC -- Following a victory in Congress last year, when it staved off a looming tax penalty that would have forced it to change its structure or go out of business, Newman’s Own has intensified a plan to increase the number of groups that follow its profits-to-charity model.

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NORWALK, CT -- Four Connecticut-based family foundations and one of the state’s largest community foundations today announced the launch of the Collective Impact Opportunity Fund within Fairfield County’s Community Foundation. The Fund will make collective grants to public agencies and non-profit organizations striving to close educational, workforce, and other opportunity gaps among children, youth, and their families in Connecticut.

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