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WATERBURY, CT -- Webster Bank today announced it will donate $35,000 to the American Red Cross to support disaster recovery efforts for communities affected by Hurricane Florence and recent gas line explosions in Massachusetts’ Merrimack Valley.

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View the Comcast Newsmakers interview with Eric Clemmons and CCP President Karla Fortunato.

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The Scripps Family Fund for Education and the Arts and the Newell D. Hale Foundation are pleased to announce the launch of Wheels to Learning. This pilot program will fund transportation costs for educational field trips during the 2018-19 school year.

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The Aetna Foundation, today, announced it will make a $100,000 contribution to the North Carolina Disaster Relief Fund. The Disaster Relief Fund provides statewide disaster relief services including the repair and redevelopment of residences damaged by significant storms such as Hurricane Florence.

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BOSTON, MA -- Research on giving in the United States has now produced definitive empirical evidence to show a decline in the participation and amounts donated by “small” and “medium” (actually, median) donors and an increasing reliance on “large” donors. That lead sentence should make every reader stop and envision the future of philanthropy in our democracy. Nonprfit Quarterly's Patrick Rooney writes in support of a universal charitable deduction.

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WEST HARTFORD, CT -- The Edward C. & Ann T. Roberts Foundation has dedicated its 2017 Annual Report to past president Janet Larsen who passed away in April 2018.

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NORWALK, CT -- Norwalk is the latest Connecticut municipality to join Sustainable CT, a statewide initiative that offers detailed array of sustainability best practices, tools and resources, peer learning, and opportunities for recognition. The town of Thomaston joined the initiative in July. Three Connecticut philanthropies – The Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation, the Hampshire Foundation, and the Common Sense Fund – have supported the program’s development and launch.

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HARTFRORD, CT -- Capital Workforce Partners (CWP), the state's workforce development board in north central Connecticut, said it received a $98,000 grant from Travelers Foundation to improve data-sharing platforms that spread awareness about at-risk youths.

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HARTFORD, CT -- Forty percent of households in United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut’s 40-town region are struggling to make ends meet, according to the 2018 Connecticut United Ways ALICE Report.

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