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The January Digest includes feature headlines: Foundation Launches $3.95 Million Career Pathways Initiative; $900K Hartford Generation Work Grant Will Connect Young Adults to Employment; Playbook Launched To Help Philanthropic Community Respond To Disasters; "Here in New Haven" Gives $1K per Day for 30 Days; Report Gives CT High Marks for Civic Health; Four Foundations and State to Fund Mandated Healthcare Cost Reduction Study; AND regular topics -- PHILANTHROPY NEWS LINKS; EVENTS & OTHER OPPORTUNITIES; GRANTS & RFPS; PEOPLE and JOBS IN PHILANTHROPY!
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A monthly benefit of Council membership, the January 2016 Member eBrief features: 2016 The Year of Influence and Data; CCP Updates; Member News & Releases; New Resources; Colleague News and Other Events. Remember to login to access this member benefit!
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NORWALK, CT -- With General Electric responsible for some 25 to 30 percent of its funding, the local chapter of the United Way, United Way of Coastal Fairfield County, is reeling over the company’s planned departure from Connecticut. The GE Foundation’s charitable donations cover a broad spectrum globally, ranging from $20 million for maternal and child health care programs in a half-dozen African countries to a gift of $1.25 million to health centers in Fairfield County, but Maggie Osborn, President of Connecticut Council for Philanthropy, says the real loss for Fairfield County and Connecticut is the loss of the high-net-worth employees.
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NEW HAVEN, CT — Avangrid, INC. and its Connecticut subsidiaries, The United Illuminating Company, The Southern Connecticut Gas Company and Connecticut Natural Gas Corporation, announced today they distributed $268,000 to 39 nonprofit organizations, through the State of Connecticut’s Neighborhood Assistance Act (NAA).

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The December Digest includes feature headlines: Giving in Connecticut 2015 Reports 22% Increase in Foundation Assets; Largest Data Set on CT Wellbeing Now Complete; $1.5M Will Support Veterans Services; $100K to be Matched for Immigration Integration; Philanthropy Forecast Takes Social Economy & Digital Infrastructure as Given; Grant to Bolster Staff, Increase Effectiveness of Homeless Shelter; Two Regional Studies to Help Tackle Food Access/Insecurity; AND regular topics -- PHILANTHROPY NEWS LINKS; EVENTS & TRAININGS; GRANTS, RFPS & OTHER OPPORTUNITIES; PEOPLE and JOBS IN PHILANTHROPY!
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HARTFORD, CT -- Individuals and foundations in Connecticut made $4.66 billion in charitable contributions in 2013, a report from the Connecticut Council for Philanthropy finds.
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STAMFORD, CT -- In a startling reminder of the financial muscle in Fairfield County as donors ready any final donations in advance of the end of the 2015 tax year, a new report found that local foundations accounted for nearly $3 of every $4 granted in 2013 to nonprofit organizations by all Connecticut foundations, or $738 million of just under $1 billion statewide.
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HARTFORD, CT -- On December 10, 2015 the Connecticut Council for Philanthropy (CCP) released Giving in Connecticut 2015. The new report looks at charitable giving in Connecticut by grantmakers and residents. Beyond the data, analysis about cross-sector collaboration, stories about funders making a difference, and quick facts about CCP members are also included.
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A monthly benefit of Council membership, the December 2015 Member eBrief features: Public Policy Call to Action; CCP Board Nominations; CCP Programs & Meetings; CCP Updates; Member News & Releases; New Resources; Colleague News and Other Events. Remember to login to access this member benefit!
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