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WASHINGTON, CD -- Nine foundations, including The Melville Charitable Trust, have pooled about $10 million to build a three-year public-advocacy campaign to ensure Americans have secure, affordable places to live. The collaboration includes several foundations that haven’t previously concentrated on housing, such as the Annie E. Casey Foundation and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The new coalition, called Funders for Housing and Opportunity, today announced $4.9 million in three-year grants to four coalitions and projects, each of will mount public-awareness campaigns to call attention to housing issues.

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A monthly benefit of CCP membership, the FEBRUARY 2018 Member eBrief features: CCP Updates; Member News & Releases; New Resources; Colleague News and Other Events. Remember to login to access this member benefit!

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NEW LONDON, CT -- The Community Foundation of Eastern Connecticut commissioned DataHaven to develop a report on the Status of Women and Girls in Eastern Connecticut, and the findings provide an insightful snapshot of disparities that persist, and challenges that remain and may increase, as well as diminish, in the years ahead.

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HARTFORD, CT -- The MetroHartford Alliance announced David Griggs, CEcD, EDFP, as its new President and CEO, effective March 12. 

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NEW BRITAIN, CT -- With the Hurricane Maria Puerto Rico Relief Fund well on its way to $50,000 in donations, the Community Foundation of Greater New Britain and American Savings Foundation – which teamed together in late September to establish the fund in the wake of the devastating storm – have announced that the grant application process has been opened to non-profit organizations in the Greater New Britain area seeking assistance with relocation efforts of hurricane victims.

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TORRINGTON, CT -- The Northwest Connecticut Community Foundation has published, Community Crossroads - Northwest Connecticut - Where we are now and were we are headed. Community Crossroads is an extensive research project focused on the demographic composition of Northwest Connecticut communities – now and in the future – and core community wellbeing indicators, such as housing, employment, education, healthcare and crime

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