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NEW HAVEN, CT -- Charitable giving rose by 11 percent to reach $5 billion in 2015, the most recent year for which data is available, according to the Connecticut Council for Philanthropy. In a report released Tuesday, the council said giving increased across three tracked sources: individuals, bequests and foundations. The majority of Connecticut’s charitable giving in 2015 came from individual donations —both traditional giving and bequests — which rose 76 percent to $3.81 billion.

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HARTFORD, CT -- Everyday Democracy and Connecticut Civic Embassadors are hosting an online event, Participatory Budgeting Works!, on Tuesday, June 19 at 12:00 noon, to educate the community on paticipatory budgeting as a way of civic engagement.

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HARTFORD, CT -- The Connecticut Data Collaborative will intensify efforts to improve the data literacy skills of nonprofit organizations through an array of workshops, courses, training, focus groups and evaluations in a multi-pronged, three-year plan that has earned the financial support of the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving.

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DANBURY, CT -- United Way of Western Connecticut (UWWC) announced today the investment of $498,000 to support education, financial stability, and food insecurity programs in Greater Danbury, Greater New Milford, and Stamford. The funding supports households that fall within the ALICE® (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) income threshold and below. ALICE families earn income above the federal poverty level, but not enough to make ends meet. ALICE includes the people we depend on every day, such as childcare providers, nursing assistants, and grocery store cashiers.

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TORRINGTON, CT -- Two now-legendary entities began in Torrington at almost the same instant in 1969 and have evolved into major institutions with important ties to each other. While Sharon Dante was launching a dance school called Nutmeg Ballet, members of the Torrington Club were starting a philanthropic group called the Torrington Area Foundation for Public Giving. Both began modestly and grew up together just a few blocks apart, changing their names over the years to become the Nutmeg Conservatory for the Arts and the Northwest Connecticut Community Foundation.

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WESTPORT, CT -- Newman's Own Foundation, founded by the late actor and philanthropist Paul Newman, welcomes a new class of Fellows, as it enters the fourth year of its Fellowship Program. There will be 14 new Fellows starting the program, as 17 Fellows graduate today.

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HARTFORD, CT -- The Aurora Women's Giving Circle announces a grant opportunity for organizations based in Greater Hartford. The application deadline is August 1, 2018.

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WASHINGTON, DC -- Nonprofit Quarterly comments on Giving USA's most recent report. With fewer Americans giving to charity, some nonprofits are planning for an uncertain future. Even as "Giving USA" has reported record charitable fundraising three years in a row, the share of Americans who donate to charity is falling.

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MERIDEN, CT -- Universal Health Care Foundation’s Voter Engagement Project Grants are a nonpartisan initiative to engage voters across the state to focus on elevating health care issues in the 2018 election season. The proposal deadline is June 8, 2018.

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