Blackbaud's study, Diversity in Giving: The Changing Landscape of American Philanthropy, written from a fundraising perspective, gives insight into giving by diverse populations. Key findings show how donors prioritize giving and describes giving habits and attitudes.
Equity and Inclusion
The seven steps in Annie E. Casey's Guide guide provide a clear framework for undertaking the important work of advancing race equity and inclusion.
D5′s 2014 State of the Work highlights new tools and resources, recently completed research, and new organizational approaches that can help foundations and philanthropic organizations take action, achieve their goals regarding DEI, and advance the common good.
As U.S. immigration reform moves forward in 2013, a variety of facts and figures continue to be presented around immigrants and their current and potential contributions to the U.S. economy. AS/COA's immigration fact sheets provide key data points on why immigrants are vital to the U.S. economy and why comprehensive immigration reform is necessary for future U.S. competitiveness.