Webinar: Make the Most of Sharing Grants Data with Candid

Thursday, February 20, 2020 -
2:00pm to 3:00pm EST
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Whether you already share your grants data with Candid (fomerly Foundation Center) or are considering joining the more than 1000 funders who do, join us to get the latest on our eReporting program.

We’ll break down why and how to share grants data and demonstrate how detailed grant descriptions are the best way to tell your story.

We’ll discuss how current, accurate grants data benefits you and the sector, and go over recent improvements made to our eReporting template, followed by a Q&A.


Kati Neiheisel, Electronic Reporting Liaison, Candid

If you have questions about Candid’s eReporting program, feel free to submit them to egrants@candid.org ahead of time.

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