Community Foundation CEO Meeting - June

Monday, June 5, 2023 -
12:00pm to 1:30pm EDT
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Join your community foundation CEO peers across the state for updates on and discussions about topics related to running a community foundation. Please check back closer to the meeting date for an update on program specifics.

Presented by the Community Foundation CEO Network  
This group is comprised of community foundation CEOs. Meeting on a regular basis, discussions are designed to be interactive and constructive. Participants have the opportunity to connect with colleagues, ask questions, explore solutions, share knowledge and best practices, and learn from one another. 


Members: To register yourself and/or a colleague at your organization, please email Karla Fortunato. 

First time logging in? Submit your email address to set a password and activate your account >>

Email not found? Create an account >>


If you have suggestions for future conversations, or questions, email Annie Adams, program manager. 

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