Corporate Giving

Friday, October 20, 2017
Hartford Public Library Beyond Words 2017

HARTFORD, CT -- From MetroHartford Alliance: The Travelers has awarded a $25,000 presenting sponsorship to the Hartford Public Library's Beyond Words 2017 event which will take place on Wednesday, November 29, from 6:00-9:00 p.m. at the Marriott Downtown Hartford. Marlene Ibsen, President, Travelers Foundation is the honorary chair and will present the Caroline M. Hewins Medal posthumously to Sharon O'Meara. O'Meara was a lead program officer at the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving for many years, impacting hundreds of nonprofits and their clients in the Hartford Region, and was instrumental in creating the American Place at the Hartford Public Library.

Thursday, October 19, 2017
Banking on volunteers and funds

HARTFORD, CT -- Eighty Bank of America employee volunteers recently worked with five Habitat for Humanity chapters across Connecticut to build homes and provide crucial repairs for nine families. In addition to the volunteers’ time, Bank of America (BOA) also provided $60,000 in funding to the Habitat chapters.
