Community Foundation

Thursday, January 18, 2018
Community Foundation of Greater New Britain Aids Southington Organizations

SOUTHINGTON, CT -- The Community Foundation of Greater New Britain in 2017 awarded three grants to Southington organizations totaling $42,500 in aid. From 2012 to 2017, CFGNB has provided Southington, either to organizations directly in town or to organizations outside of town with a local impact, with more than $2 million in financial aid. Through a partnership with American Savings Foundation, they will offer a series of six in-depth capacity building workshops to strengthen local non-profits from March to October. Up to 15 non-profit organizations can enroll. A $2,000 grant will be rewarded at the end of the series to those who attended ...

Tuesday, January 16, 2018
Cox Trust Closes with Early-Stage Investments in Education, Environment, and Health

BOSTON, MA -- The Jessie B. Cox Trust, a 35-year charitable lead trust focused on New England, closed at the end of 2017. The family-led Trust has made over $107million in grants, funding efforts predominantly in education, environment, health, and the development of community foundations across the region.
