CCP Members

Co-Creation: Viewing Partnerships Through A New Lens

"Co-Creation," written by Patricia Bowie, is a case study about the Connecticut Early Childhood Funder Collaborative, a project of the Connecticut Council for Philanthropy. The case study examines co-creation, an emerging systems change collaboration model which grew out of a funder-and-state partnership. This unique partnership led to the creation by executive order of a new and independent Office of Early Childhood, which was formally approved by the Connecticut State Legislature in 2013. The new case study is significant, as there is much written about funder partnerships and collaboration success stories, but little discussion on different kinds of collaborative ventures and the lessons learned by philanthropy.

Improving the Odds: Seven Principles for Investing in Early Care and Education
This FSG guide is written for funders (including private, community, and corporate foundations as well as individual philanthropists) who are new to investing in ECE, who seek to understand how their investments fit into the larger picture, or who want to complement programmatic grantmaking with investments that build a stronger system.
Funder Collaboratives: Why and How Funders Work Together
In this guide, contributors share strategies for structuring a collaborative to fit its purpose, building strong relationships and resolving conflicts, and figuring out if the collaborative you're in is working. Contributors also offer ample proof that collaboratives are leading the field in bringing the voices of nonfunders - grantees, intended beneficiaries, experts, and others - into the process of making grants.
