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HARTFORD, CT -- Connecticut is among the half of states in the nation spending no money on the census, instead relying on philanthropy and networks of volunteer committees to bolster U.S. Census workers, who will try to find and count the millions of Americans who do not respond next spring. CCP President Karla Fortunato is quoted twice and along with CCP Member Jay Williams, President of the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving.

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HARTFORD, CT -- High school seniors who live in a Comcast footprint are invited to apply for the Comcast Leaders and Achievers Scholarship Program. The scholarship deadline is December 6, 2019.

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NEW HAVEN, CT -- Connecticut Voices for Children today released a report that reveals the likelihood and heightened risks of an inaccurate count during the 2020 Census.

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HARTFORD, CT -- Lamont signed an executive order creating the Governor’s Workforce Council, an effort to deliver on a campaign promise to bring new methods and energy to workforce development, a buzzword that suggests a holistic approach to what once was called job training. It is tasked with expanding the workforce, then matching supply with significant demand. Hartford Foundation for Public Giving Presidetn Jay Williams was appointed one of twenty-three council members.

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NEW HAVEN, CT -- The Connecticut Data Collaborative’s annual gathering will include Census tools demos, policy discussions, a Census 2020 interactive workshop, and more.

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NEW HAVEN, CT -- The Melville Charitable Trust, the nation’s largest philanthropy focused exclusively on ending homelessness, announced today that it has selected Susan Thomas to be the foundation’s next President, effective January 6, 2020.

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The OCTOBER 2019 DIGEST includes FEATURED NEWS STORIES - Foundation Bolsters Community Organizing in Waterbury; College Students in Eastern CT Hear from Journalists of Color; Community Voice Amplified with Get Out the Vote and Census Efforts; DanburyWorks Improves Employment Prospects; Early Literacy Initiatives to Increase Word Exposure; Regional Wellbeing Illuminated in Four New Reports; 397 Young People Connected to Housing in 100 Days; Plus -- PHILANTHROPY NEWS LINKS; EVENTS and OTHER OPPORTUNITIES; GRANTS and RFPS; PEOPLE; and JOBS!

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