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NEW YORK, NY -- Starting this fall, and well into the future, medical students at New York University will get free tuition. In a few years, shiny new facilities will welcome cancer patients in Atlanta and brain researchers at Stanford. The announcements about these developments credit generous philanthropists, but fail to mention who else is footing much of the bill: American taxpayers. Like most charitable giving, health care philanthropy is tax-deductible. When wealthy people give away millions of dollars, their tax bills go down. But that leaves the rest of us either to pick up the slack or go without the investments that our government could have made with those funds.

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WASHINGTON, DC -- The consumer orgies of Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday have a rapidly growing nonprofit rival: Giving Tuesday, which celebrates its seventh year today. Begun by a coalition hoping to reinvigorate giving in the United States during the holiday season, Giving Tuesday has turned into a philanthropic juggernaut: Last year, the day moved at least $300 million to nonprofits by mobilizing hundreds of thousands of people, many of them infrequent donors, to give to charities of their choosing. Giving Tuesday champions the welcome spirit of ordinary donors and the amazing diversity of American charity. But when it comes to philanthropic giving in the United States, it proves the exception to a stubborn rule. 

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NORWALK, CT -- Fairfield County’s Community Foundation (FCCF) has announced the appointment of a new Chair for its Board of Directors, as well as, the addition of three new Board members. A new slate of officers was also appointed.

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NEWINGTON, CT -- Farmington Bank was acquired by People’s United Bank effective October 1, 2018. The Farmington Bank Community Foundation, which served as the charitable arm of First Connecticut Bancorp. Inc, the holding company of Farmington Bank, will continue on as a private charitable foundation. 

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WASHINGTON, DC -- On the cusp of its 50th anniversary in 2019, the NEA Foundation, a public charity founded by educators for educators, today announced that Sara Sneed, a nationally recognized champion of public education, will succeed Harriet Sanford as president and CEO of the NEA Foundation on March 1, 2019. 

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TORRINGTON, CT -- Vic Muschell of Torrington and Lori Riiska of Winsted have been named to the board of directors of the Northwest Connecticut Community Foundation, which provides philanthropic support to 20 towns in Litchfield County.

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NEW LONDON, CT -- The National Coast Guard Museum Association, Inc. gratefully announces a generous pledge of $100,000 from the Chelsea Groton Foundation. 

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HARTFORD, CT -- The Bushnell Park Foundation is excited to announce the new playground officially opened on Saturday, November 17.  After a brief ribbon-cutting ceremony at 11am, the playground officially open for the community to enjoy. Attending the ceremony were Hartford Mayor Luke Bronin, and Jay Williams, President of the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving. The carousel was open for free rides from 12-1pm.

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