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HARTFORD, CT -- Hartford Foundation for Public Giving has awarded a one-year, $750,000 grant to support the Hartford Youth Service Corps administered by Our Piece of the Pie (OPP).

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BRISTOL, CT -- On this National Philanthropy Day, Friday, November 15, 2019, Main Street Community Foundation wants to celebrate the extraordinary change that fundraising and philanthropy have helped to create in your communities, specifically through two of the Foundation’s community endowments – the Women & Girls’ Fund (WGF) and the Men & Boys’ Fund (MBF).

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HARTFORD, CT -- The 2020 Census will play an important role in our state’s economic future.

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WELLESLEY, MA -- The Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Foundation recently awarded $15,000 in grants to six Connecticut non-profits to support health and wellness initiatives.

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HARTFORD, CT -- Nonprofit social service agencies have been pleading with Gov. Ned Lamont for months to share $100 million of Connecticut’s record-setting budget reserve with them. Speaking before hundreds of nonprofit leaders Wednesday at the Connecticut Convention Center, Lamont once again dashed their hopes.

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HARTFORD, CT -- Travelers is pleased to announce that Erin Haberman has been promoted to Senior Director, Community Relations, Travelers; and Second Vice President, Travelers Foundation, effective immediately.

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HARTFORD, CT -- In an effort to engage a broader audience on the challenges and opportunities facing the Greater Hartford region, the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving has produced and launched a seven-part podcast series. “Disinvested: Building a Stronger Community from the Ground Up” features more than 80 interviews from Greater Hartford and beyond, including residents, journalists, elected officials, and nonprofit leaders who are involved with efforts to build a stronger, more inclusive community.

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NEW HAVEN, CT -- The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven has announced its Responsive Grant awards for 2019, totaling $2,938,243, to nonprofit organizations working throughout Greater New Haven.

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HARTFORD, CT -- The administration of Gov. Ned Lamont pledged $500,000 Thursday in discretionary state funds for community outreach in the 2020 census, answering a challenge from philanthropic foundations ready to provide a matching amount. The Hartford Foundation for Public Giving already has committed to give more than $400,000 to local groups. With the state funds and charitable match, the available resources for outreach in the hard-to-count tracts will be at least $1.4 million. Jay Williams, the president of the foundation, said the announcement Thursday was “absolutely a step in the right direction.” He said community foundations from New Haven, Waterbury, New Britain, Fairfield County and eastern Connecticut were contributing.

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