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HARTFORD, CT -- In an effort to promote financial literacy learning for black youth in Hartford, the YMCA of Metropolitan Hartford has been awarded a $10,000 grant from the Black Giving Circle at the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving to support financial literacy programming offered to over 200 youth participating in YMCA programs.

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DANBURY, CT -- During the holiday season, The News-Times, in partnership with the United Way of Western Connecticut, will present stories about ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) families every Thursday. Six stories highlighted each week will outline how a local resident or family, whose names have been changed to protect their privacy, could be helped by receiving an estimated dollar amount.

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NEW LONDON, CT -- The Community Foundation of Eastern Connecticut held its annual meeting on Wednesday, November 29, where speaker and education policy advocate, Dr. Janice M. Gruendel set the tone by bringing attention to the opportunity gap faced by many children and families and to the successful ways to create more access and equity.

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HARTFORD, CT -- Local nonprofits are calling on Congress to reject aspects of the proposed tax reform bill that address changes in charitable giving deductions, and non-profit status, saying they hurt their ability to operate at a time when many are losing state and federal funding.

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BRANFORD, CT -- Blackstone Library has received a major anonymous gift for their $800,000 for the Blackstone Campaign, for which their is also a $100,000 matching grant from the Branford Community Foundation.

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HARTFORD, CT -- In the November 2017 Giving Voice blog post, CCP President Karla Fortunato reports on how member funders are responding to the state fiscal crisis.

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HARTFORD, CT -- Funding for private nonprofit human service organizations was cut again last week when Gov. Dannel P. Malloy’s administration announced it would be holding back about $181.6 million in what’s termed a “lapse.” “The human service spending cuts announced today by Governor Malloy come after more than a decade of underfunding of Connecticut’s community nonprofits and repeated budget reductions in recent years,” Gian-Carl Casa, president and CEO of CT Community Nonprofit Alliance, said. The article also mentions Connecticut Council for Philanthropy's survey on "Grantmaker Response to State Fiscal Crisis."


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WASHGINGTON, DC -- Both the tax bill the Senate hopes to vote on this week and a House-passed tax overhaul would keep the popular charitable deduction, but non-profits say the legislation still would shrink American help to those in need. CT Community Nonprofit Alliance President Gian-Carl Casa says the bills would “devastate” the state’s community based non-profits.

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WASHINGTON, DC -- Financial site WalletHub ranked all 50 states by how much they donate and volunteer. Criteria includes volunteer hours per capita, share of population raising funds, share of income donated and public charities per capita among other indicators. Connecticut ranks number eleven overall withe specially high marks in "percent of population that donated" and "charities per capita."

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HARTFORD, CT -- Three Connecticut foundations, the Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation, Hampshire Foundation and Common Sense Fund, are helping to make Connecticut more sustatainable. More than 200 municipal, business and nonprofit leaders partnered with Eastern Connecticut State University, the Connecticut Economic Resource Center and CCM over the last year to create Sustainable CT.

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