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BRISTOL, CT -- At Main Street Community Foundation’s 25th Annual Meeting, held virtually in March, the Foundation welcomed three local residents to its Board of Directors.

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A bi-monthly benefit of CCP membership, the May 2020 Member eBrief features: CCP Events and Updates, Member COVID-19 Response, Resources and Opportunities, Policy Update, Colleague News, and Job Opportunities. Remember to login to access this member benefit!

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NEW LONDON, CT -- The Community Foundation of Eastern Connecticut on Friday announced its first round of grants from the Neighbors for Neighbors Fund, which was established in mid-March to help those impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and has received contributions from hundreds of donors. The grants total $473,517 to 61 recipients.

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BRIDGEPORT, CT -- With stay-at-home restrictions in place, the coronavirus has triggered a rise in domestic abuse throughout Connecticut. Center for Family Justice recently partnered with Bank of America to ensure its services are still available to victims of abuse.  

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BRANFORD, CT --- The gratitude from Branford Community Foundation continues into the 12th week of quarantine. As of May 18th, the COVID19 Response Fund for Branford has raised $179,905 and distributed $161,285.

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HARTFORD, CT -- In March, the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving launched the COVID-19 Response Fund to rapidly deploy resources to support the residents who are most significantly affected by the coronavirus pandemic. The Fund is designed to complement the work of federal, state and municipal government efforts and expand local capacity to address all aspects of the outbreak as efficiently as possible.

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HARTFORD, CT -- The Connecticut Office of the Arts (COA) distributed grants for two COVID-19 reponse programs Artists Respond and Artists Relief.

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PUTNAM, CT -- The Scripps Family Fund for Education and the Arts has given Day Kimball Healthcare a $40,000 donation for supplies and equipment to help it combat the coronavirus pandemic.

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WINDHAM, CT -- WAIM's Neighbor Safety Net Fund, established last month to help those suffering from the financial consequences of the COVID-19 crisis, is beginning to disburse payments to area residents. The fund has raised $90,000 in the first round of distributions, which are earmarked for those who have lost jobs, had their work hours reduced, or are otherwise struggling because of pandemic-related hardships. Two charitable organizations--The United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut and the Connecticut Health Foundation-- have also stepped up to support the Neighbor Safety Net Fund, pledging a total of $25,000.

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