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HARTFORD, CT -- Connecticut Humanities awarded Everyday Democracy a $1,800 grant to bring critical thinker, conflict mediation expert and founder of Meta-Culture, Ashok Pannikar to Hartford, April 12, 2018 at the Hartford Public Library’s Center for Contemporary Culture, Hartford, CT from 5:30 – 7:30pm.

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NEW HAVEN, CT -- DataHaven's 2018 Community Wellbeing Survey will allow unprecedented tracking of regional and local trends over the past three years, as well as create an even more in-depth portrait of Connecticut’s neighborhoods, when updated results are shared this fall.

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WATERBURY, CT -- In its February grant round, Connecticut Community Foundation awarded a total of $27,000 in sponsorship grants to 30 nonprofit organizations hosting community events in Greater Waterbury and the Litchfield Hills in the coming months.

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BRISTOL, CT -- Before a gathering of board members, past leadership and staff at Main Street Community Foundation’s Annual Meeting, the Foundation celebrated 2017, which saw the distribution of $1.7 million in grants and scholarships to benefit the residents of Bristol, Burlington, Plainville, Plymouth, Southington and Wolcott through programs and community leadership initiatives.

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NEW HAVEN, CT -- The Morris and Irmgard Wessel Fund announced that the latest winners of its Unsung Heroes Award are the Immigrant Bail Fund for standing up for our immigrant neighbors and Doreen Abubakar, a social entrepreneur and environmental educator in New Haven’s Newhallville neighborhood.

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NEW BRITIAN, CT -- Hospital for Special Care President and Chief Executive Officer Lynn Ricci is the new board chair of the Community Foundation of Greater New Britain (CFGNB) and will serve in that capacity for the next two years in succession of retired Hospital of Central Connecticut President and CEO Laurence Tanner.

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NEW LONDON, CT -- A collaboration of six Connecticut community foundations has awarded a $100,000 grant to the Connecticut Mirror to support two journalism series and statewide community conversations.  This effort will explore the long-term impact of Connecticut’s fiscal crisis on the nonprofit sector and the impact of wealth disparities in Connecticut.

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NEW HAVEN, CT -- A collaboration of six Connecticut community foundations has awarded a $100,000 grant to the Connecticut Mirror to support two journalism series and statewide community conversations. 

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HARTFORD, CT -- In May 2017, the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving launched “Spark Funds,” three new current-use funds developed to ignite and more closely engage the community in its strategic work of supporting education, family economic security and vibrant communities.

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