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HARTFORD CT – AUGUST 21, 2017 - The Comcast Foundation announced today that it has awarded a $20,000 grant to the Center for Latino Progress’ FUTUROS program. FUTUROS targets Hartford’s Latino youth who face obstacles that might otherwise prevent them from being able to achieve their life goals and offers training, activities, and youth employment opportunities to help them prepare for college and technical careers. 

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HARTFORD, CT -- A CT by the Numbers Perspective by Joanna Meyer, Michael Strambler, Clare Irwin and George Coleman on the importance of funding early childhood education. The perspective cites the Connecticut Voices for Children policy brief made possible by the Connecticut Early Childhood Funder Collaborative.

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BRIDGEPORT, CT -- United Way of Coastal Fairfleid County is pleased to announce four new Board members and an emeritus member who has chosen another term beginning the 2017-18 fiscal year.

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HARTFORD, CT -- In a time of uncertainty, leaders in Hartford public schools, nonprofit agencies and the philanthropic sector say they are committed to the city’s “community school” strategy that has been cited as a national model. On Wednesday, members of the Hartford Partnership for Student Success, a coalition that includes public and private partners, signed another yearlong agreement to continue the decade-old “wraparound” help that has turned a half-dozen city schools into neighborhood hubs with health services, after-school programs, clothing banks and holiday dinners. The Hartford Partnership for Student Success is supported by the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving, Hartford Public Schools, the Office for Youth Services, and the United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut.
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NEW BRITAIN, CT -- Sponsors that help fund the school district’s summer learning programs got a firsthand look at where their money goes during two informational sessions Wednesday. Representatives from the American Savings Foundation, United Way of Central & Northeastern Connecticut, The Community Foundation of Greater New Britain, members of the New Britain Coalition for New Britain’s Youth and others toured New Britain High School to observe students participating in the district’s "XTREME" Summer Enrichment Experience program.

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BRIDGEPORT, CT –- Financial Services Roundtable (FSR), the leading advocacy organization for America's financial services industry, has recognized People's United Bank with the 'Corporate Social Responsibility Leadership' award for its 2016 community involvement efforts.

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HARTFORD, CT -- On behalf of the staff and board of Connecticut Council for Philanthropy, Judith Meyers, board chair, Michael Johnston, board vice chair, and Karla Fortunato, president, have penned the following response to the riots in Charlottesville.

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TORRINGTON, CT -- A new report about the impact of opioids was the center of a roundtable discussion in Torrington Wednesday afternoon. The report, “Beneath the Surface: The Opioid Epidemic in Northwest Connecticut” explores the crime rates related to opioid addiction in the area, insurance rates, treatment admission rates, how the crisis started, and what solutions can work specifically in a rural region. The Northwest Connecticut Community Foundation, the Foundation for Community Health, Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation, and the McCall Center for Behavioral Health partnered to publish the report.

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WASHINGTON, DC -- The Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) announced today the ten institutions selected to serve as sites for the first Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation (TRHT) Campus Centers. With generous support from Newman’s Own Foundation and the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, AAC&U will guide the development of the TRHT Campus Centers as part of a multi-year initiative to educate, prepare, and inspire the next generation of leaders to advance justice and build equitable communities.

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