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NEW LONDON, CT -- Maryam Elahi, president and CEO of the Community Foundation of Eastern Connecticut, contributed an opinion editorial about the how preserving and investing in natural spaces improves our mental and physical well-being and provides tremendous economic benefits as well.

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HARTFORD, CT -- From MetroHartford Alliance: The Travelers has awarded a $25,000 presenting sponsorship to the Hartford Public Library's Beyond Words 2017 event which will take place on Wednesday, November 29, from 6:00-9:00 p.m. at the Marriott Downtown Hartford. Marlene Ibsen, President, Travelers Foundation is the honorary chair and will present the Caroline M. Hewins Medal posthumously to Sharon O'Meara. O'Meara was a lead program officer at the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving for many years, impacting hundreds of nonprofits and their clients in the Hartford Region, and was instrumental in creating the American Place at the Hartford Public Library.

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HARTFORD, CT -- A panel, organized by the Melville Charitable Trust, brought stakeholders in the supportive-housing system together with some of those youth themselves to mend gaps in understanding and empathy.

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HARTFORD, CT -- Eighty Bank of America employee volunteers recently worked with five Habitat for Humanity chapters across Connecticut to build homes and provide crucial repairs for nine families. In addition to the volunteers’ time, Bank of America (BOA) also provided $60,000 in funding to the Habitat chapters.

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WEST HARTFORD, CT -- The iQuilt Partnership has just two weeks left to raise enough money to open and operate Winterfest Hartford, the free outdoor skating rink in Bushnell Park, for the 2017-2018 season. They have raised 74 percent of the funds needed to date from corporations and foundations and more than 70 individuals: Travelers, LAZ Parking, The Hartford, Hartford SteamBoiler/Munich Re, Niagara Bottling, United Technologies Corporation, Aetna, Bank of America, Jim Lyon, Lincoln Financial Group Employees, MetroHartford Alliance, Roggi’s Automotive, UnitedHealthcare, Metropolitan District Commission, Robinson & Cole, Freed Marcroft LLC, Champions Ice Management, Greater Hartford Arts Council, Peter Stevens, Phoenix/Nassau RE, SINA, The Betty Knox Foundation, BlumShapiro, Carter Realty, Coltsville, Coursey & Company, JCJ, Larry Dooley, Salute, Sullivan & LeShane, VHB, Szilagyi & Daly, and Gould Killian.

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HARTFORD, CT -- In an effort to support initiatives that provide families with access to quality housing, the Hartford Foundation has awarded a three-year, $240,000 General Operating Support grant to Hartford Habitat for Humanity.

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NORWALK, CT -- Webster Bank awarded a $3,000 grant to Person-to-Person for the Emergency Assistance Program.

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STAMFORD, CT -- United Way of Western Connecticut (UWWC) mobilized more than 200 corporate volunteers from 15 companies on Thursday, October 5, 2017 in projects across the Stamford community for its annual Day of Action.

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HARTFORD, CT -- Connecticut by the Numbers, comments on the individual charitable giving analysis by the Chronicle of Philanthropy and specific giving data on Connecticut.

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HARTFORD, CT -- Connecticut Council for Philanthropy introduces Giving Voice, a blog for and about grantmakers in Connecticut.

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