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HARTFORD, CT -- A Member Public Policy Action Alert - August 26, 2014 about the America Gives More Act.
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A monthly benefit of Council membership, the August 2014 Member eBrief features: Online Registration; Family Philanthropy Network; Salary Survey; Public Policy; Member Opportunities; and more! Remember to login to access this member benefit!
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John H. Filer Award acceptance remarks by Carlton Highsmith from the CCP’s Annual Luncheon – May 2, 2014.

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The July Digest includes the following headlines: Public Policy Update: House Approves Five Charitable Provisions; Report Shows Growth for Community Foundations - CT Foundations Make Top 100 Lists; SpreadMusicNow Fund Seeks Partners to Develop Young Connecticut Musicians; CT Health Helps People of Color Access Healthcare; Liberty Bank Foundation Leads Collaborative to Boost Summer Youth Employment; Travelers Foundation Supports School-to-Life Transition; Foundations Address Achievement Gap Through Literacy Fellowship; Community Foundations News and more!
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A monthly benefit of Council membership, the July 2014 Member eBrief features: Online Registration; Family Philanthropy Network; Salary Survey; Public Policy; Member Opportunities; and more! Remember to login to access this member benefit!
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The June Digest includes the following headlines:2014 Giving USA Report; Subway Restaurant Founder Donates $30 Million to Danbury Hospital; Region's Food Future Envisioned in New Report; Philanthropy's Investment Leads to Winning 4 Tony Awards; Cox Tween Safety Survey Reveals New Challenges; Cigna Helps Fill Blessings in a Backpack; Community Foundations News and more!
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A monthly benefit of Council membership, the June 2014 Member eBrief features: Policy Brief; the inaugural meeting of the Family Philanthropy Network; Member News and Releases; New Resources; Proud Member Logo and more! Remember to login to access this member benefit!
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David Addams' remarks from CCP's 22nd Annual Luncheon and Philanthropic Awards that took place on May 2, 2014. David is the Executive Director for Graustein Memorial Fund in Hamden, CT.

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The May Digest includes the following headlines: Three Leaders Honored by Connecticut Council for Philanthropy; New Report Predicts US Wealth Transfer of $59 Trillion; Connecticut Wins Grant to Expand Innovative Parent Leadership; Six Health Foundations Sponsor Connecticut Health Care Survey; Collaborative Matching Grant Connects Local Government and Philanthropy; Successful Fund to End Homelessness Receives Boost from Funders Collaborative; "When the Mask Comes Off" Video to Spark Conversations Around Youth Mental Illness; Calder Foundation Puts Support Behind Elementary STEM Education; Partnership Benefits for the Uninsured; Community Foundations and more!
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HARTFORD, CT— The Connecticut Council for Philanthropy welcomed SUE MURPHY, Executive Director of Liberty Bank Foundation (Middletown and Colchester), as the newly elected chair of the board of directors at its Annual Luncheon on May 2 at the New Haven Lawn Club.
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