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Featured: See Yourself in Pictures: Summit Photos; Grantmaker Salary and Benefit Survey; and more!
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The June Digest includes information about: CT Health's regional forums focused on health equity; Annie E. Casey Foundation's new report confirming the importance of reading profieciency by Grade 3; Perrin Family Foundation's report about a new role for youth; and more!
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HARTFORD, CT — Andy Eder of Guilford is one of three philanthropists honored earlier this month by the Connecticut Council for Philanthropy at the organization’s annual Connecticut Philanthropy Summit.  

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HARTFORD, CT -- More than 250 philanthropists, grantmakers and community leaders gathered last week at the Connecticut Council for Philanthropy’s annual Connecticut Philanthropy Summit to honor three philanthropic leaders: ANDY EDER of Eder Bros. Inc. and the Eder Family Foundation; DAVID NEE of William Caspar Graustein Memorial Fund; and NANCY ROBERTS, recently retired president of the Council.
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HARTFORD, CT -- ANDY EDER was named the recipient of the 2013 John H. Filer Award for his leadership in promoting private action for the public good. Eder, a resident of Guilford, is a partner in Eder Bros. Inc. (West Haven) and president of The Eder Family Foundation.
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HARTFORD, CT -- DAVID NEE, executive director of the Hamdem-based William Caspar Graustein Memorial Fund, was named the recipient of the 2013 Martha S. Newman Award. David, a resident of Fairfield, was honored for his sustained dedication to the public sector and a generosity of spirit to others in the philanthropic community.
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The May Digest includes news about the Council's new preident, Maggie Gunther Osborn; Nellie Mae Foudation's $1.8 million grant award to CT schools; UTC's gift to Yale Canetr Center's professorships, and more!
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Lead Article: New President's Message - Greetings from Maggie Gunther Osborn.
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(HARTFORD, CT) The board and membership of the Connecticut Council for Philanthropy today welcome MAGGIE GUNTHER OSBORN as the new president of the organization.
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