CCP Members

Opening Up: Demystifying Funder Transparency
Grant Craft's guide explores how transparency can strengthen credibility, improve grantee relationships, facilitate greater collaboration, increase public trust, reduce duplication of effort, and build communities of shared learning.
The Aurora Report
The Aurora Women and Girls Foundation, through a generous grant from The Ensworth Charitable Trust, Bank of America, N.A., Trustee, commissioned the first comprehensive study of women and girls in Hartford County. The study examines the opportunities and challenges for Hartford County females in education, economic security, leadership, health and well being, and crime and safety, as well as the demographic composition of women and girls and their philanthropic giving.
The Opportunity Picture: Connecticut
View Connecticut's "Opportunity Picture," from The Opportunity Index, a tool designed to provide a snapshot of what opportunity looks like at the state and county levels.
The Full Circle of Women & Girls
In The Full Circle of Women and Girls in Fairfield County, the Fairfield County Community Foundation’s Fund for Women and Girls reviews the diverse challenges faced by women and girls in our communities.
Partners for Livable Communities
Partners for Livable Communities is a national nonprofit organization working to restore and renew the communities we work and live in. Partners has over thirty years of experience in solving community problems by providing information, leadership and guidance that help communities help themselves.
