
National Study of Nonprofit-Government Contracts and Grants 2013
Urban Institute's report discusses the results of the 2013 National Survey of Nonprofit-Government Contracts and Grants. Access the Connecticut State Profile, All State Profiles and Findings from the National Survey. The report provides national and state-by-state snapshots of most types of nonprofit organizations that have contracts and grants with local, state, and federal governments. The individual state profiles are designed to document the extent of nonprofit-government contracting, processes and problems. States are also ranked according to number of grants, types of issues, and actions taken by nonprofits to address the challenges they face.
Connecticut Health Care Survey
Six health foundations sponsored the Connecticut Health Care Survey (CTHCS), a study of Connecticut residents’ own views on their health and health care, shows that many in Connecticut have access to and receive consistent, high quality health care. However, much work remains to be done particularly as it relates to chronic disease prevalence among adults and children.