
The Maturing of America - Communities Moving Forward for an Aging Population
A nationwide survey: “The Maturing of America—Communities Moving Forward for an Aging Population.” The survey, administered in 2010 by ICMA, with more than 1,400 local governments responding out of over 10,000 that received it, was intended to assess progress against benchmarks established in the first “Maturing of America” survey conducted in 2005. In both cases, the findings were eye-opening.
The Maturing of America - Communities Moving Forward for an Aging Population
A nationwide survey: “The Maturing of America—Communities Moving Forward for an Aging Population.” The survey, administered in 2010 by ICMA, with more than 1,400 local governments responding out of over 10,000 that received it, was intended to assess progress against benchmarks established in the first “Maturing of America” survey conducted in 2005. In both cases, the findings were eye-opening.
Connecticut Grantmaking Highlights
The Connecticut Grantmaking Highlights is a bi-annual analysis of organized private Connecticut philanthropy from Connecticut Grantmakers Online (CGO), a database that includes profiles of Connecticut funders.
The Social and Economic Value of Private and Community Foundations
According The Philanthropic Collaborative's 2008 report every dollar that private and community foundations provided in grants and support in 2007 produced an estimated average return of $8.58 in direct economic benefits. The report found that the program areas generating the biggest returns include arts and culture, for which $5.2 billion in foundation support helped produce an estimated $51 billion in direct benefits, and education, for which $9.7 billion in foundation support helped produce an estimated $49 billion in benefits. Foundations also were responsible for some 9.2 million jobs, $511.9 billion in household income, and $145.4 billion in local, state, and federal revenue.
Investing for Impact: Indirect Costs are Essential for Success
This National Council of Nonprofits' report addresses how governments that hire charitable nonprofits to deliver services and then reimburse them for less than reasonable indirect costs undermine the ability of nonprofits to deliver high quality services.
